Jamie taylor

The year was 2004. Aunty Sonia’s driveway. Whangarei. Approximately 11:30pm in the evening. Christmas time.  

My brother Sean and I were hiding outside attempting to sneakily smoke tobacco we had stolen from our Father.

Sean turned around to me and exclaimed in a serious tone that he written his first rap. I was intrigued, immediately asking him how the bloody hell he did that?..

Neither of us knew at the time how important that conversation turned out to be.

A few years later i had decided, after some persuasion from dear older brother that i should possibly attempt to write my own.

I was, as he bluntly put it, a talker. He was right, i couldn’t shut the fuck up for 2 minutes if i tried.

And so it was.

From the age of 15 i have spent every waking moment since obsessed with my craft.

Dancing, Rapping, Singing, Making Beats, Engineering or Learning about the Music Business.

This is ALL i was born to be.

Many trials,tribulations and mis-steps have thwarted my attempts over the years to turn my love of creating into a profession.

I’ve battled Grief, Circumstance, un-diagnosed ADHD, PTSD, Homelessness, Drug Addiction, Depression and Anxiety and Myself.

Through all of that and more, i’ve never lost faith.

I never lost hope.

I knew i was put here to get this shit done.

At the ripe age of 34, diagnosed and medicated for my ADHD, clean and clear of all substance abuse and mentally fit?

I’m finally here. I’m a proud indigenous Maori. I’m a leader in my community. I’m a story of hope. I’m like nothing else.

I’m Jamie.

Tough gig…